Discover Your Depths - Sara Campbell

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DEEP LISTENING : What Does This Mean To You?

If you've been reading these weekly musings, you'll know that last year I joined a community which is all about personal development, community and thriving. We have a set of guidelines which help us to stay on track and go beyond our own - highly creative and varied - self-sabotage tendencies regarding growth. 

Last week was one of the hardest I've had for a long time, but on Friday, I joined a live call with some members of my community to discuss one of the guidelines : Deep Listening. And I was astounded how rich, connecting and healing the conversation turned out to be.

We uncovered some really profound and often over-looked applications of deep listening, and realised just how important it is, on so many levels.

Deep Listening is:

- a gift we give ourselves and our loved ones, colleagues and friends to really hear them. Without judgement, without filters, without projection. Without comparing their story with ours, without needing to fix them or offer solutions. Only with deep listening can we really see and understand each other, and thereby make intimate and meaningful connections with each other to grow, support and be supported, and move past conflict and difficult times

- a way that we honour our own truth moment by moment, by listening to the signals we receive from our physical, emotional and energetic bodies. When we ignore pain, discomfort, tiredness, overwhelm, we move further away from ease, and further into dis-ease. We owe it to ourselves to listen, honour and respect the messages our body is sending us all the time

- a reconnection with our own inner wisdom, our intuition. We often 'know' things but ignore the impulse, or take the opposite path. We have been trained out of intuitive living, to only follow that which is seen and tangible. But our intuition is more than a sixth sense, it is our connection to the Universe, to all the wisdom that has ever existed and ever will exist, the Akasha. When we don't listen to our intuition, we ignore our own deeper truth, our inner wisdom and our authentic path

What does deep listening mean to you? Are you aware how it feels when you are not heard? Are you able to consciously listen to others to honour them in this sacred way? Click here to share your thoughts with me... I'd love to know, 

Wishing you a week blessed with deep listening, deep connection and deep love, 
