About Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga is an ancient technology, known as the Yoga of Awareness, and it is the perfect antidote to, and support for the modern world, because it addresses our whole being – our body and our mental state and is a very practical tool to help us achieve our goals.
Kundalini teaches us, through postures (asanas or kriyas), breathwork (pranayama), chanting (mantras), meditation and relaxation, to embrace our wholeness, the fullness of who we each are, and to recognise that at our core, we have pure, peaceful and joyful potential waiting to be explored. It is our reaction to life that dulls this inner light, and through Kundalini we learn to change our reaction.
Kundalini Yoga differs from other forms of yoga in that everyone can do it. If you can sit and breathe, you can practice Kundalini. Transformation of attitude is not limited to our physical state, and therefore people with chronic illness, disability, people with limited flexibility and no yogic experience, can all benefit.
Come with an open mind and be prepared to be challenged and uplifted through the work each class brings. All any of us can do in any given moment is our best. As long as you come with that attitude, and strive to overcome the mental blocks that your ego will throw up as it attempts to keep you small, in the comfort zone where it is master, you will have an expansive and uplifting experience.
Kundalini Yoga is so rich that if you have a specific goal, for example detoxifying, strengthening your immune system, balancing your chakras, opening your heart, even improving your communication and quality of your relationships, Kundalini can deliver exactly what you need.
It is the only form of yoga that I have found to consistently make me feel great. And for me that is reason enough to practice
about meditation
Meditation is both a spiritual practice and a thoroughly down-to-earth, practical tool, which not only supports modern living, but seems to be more relevant today than it has ever been.
We live in a society, which prides itself on its mental acuity, its intellect. Yet at the same time we do very little to actually take care of our mind. It is as if we all want to own a Ferrari, but don’t want to ever service it, clean it, check its oil and water levels. And in fact, it is quite likely that whatever car you own, you take better care of it than you take care of your own mind, and its wellbeing. But you still expect it to function at optimal levels despite this lack of care.
Meditation is simply the practice of taking care of your mind so it can function better and support you in your daily life, no matter what you ask of it. Meditation cleans your mind of all the clutter that builds up, causing you to feel overwhelmed, stressed, confused or distracted.
Whatever challenge you may be facing, or whatever goal you want to achieve, I can help you to develop a daily practice which serves you and can transform your life and bring in the clarity, peace, joy and love that you are looking for.
When I started working with Sara, I was at a real low-point. Through meditation I learned that I still fall into the same traps but I have new ways to deal with them. I am a bit easier on myself and a bit more patient with others. As a result I managed to get over my ex and recently moved in with my new boyfriend, which is amazing!
About Yogi Bhajan
Yogi Bhajan, Master of Kundalini Yoga by the age of 16, brought the sacred teachings to the West in 1969. Having had a government career in India, he broke with the tradition of keeping these powerful transformational teachings secret to open them up to everyone, irrespective of background, race, caste, nationality and age in the hope that through the awareness Kundalini Yoga can bring, we will all live in a healthier, more balanced, more respectful way.
Yoga Bhajan’s vision was triggered by the turmoil of the 60s, the time of the Vietnam War, sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll, and increasing depression and personal and societal degeneration. Yogi Bhajan’s belief that everyone’s birthright is to be happy stimulated his lifelong mission of teaching and sharing, and empowering people to live in greater awareness, peace and harmony.
He founded 3HO, the Healthy, Happy, Holy Organisation, which was the birth of teaching centres across the USA, and through the world. The Kundalini Research Institute has tirelessly recorded and documented each and every one of Yogi Bhajan’s classes, giving teachers and students access to this profound technology for change.
He was born in what is now Pakistan, and was known by his Sikh birth name, Harbhajan Singh. However, as the leader of Sikhism in the Western world, he is known as the Siri Singh Sahib, and to Kundalini teachers and practicitioners, he is called Yogi Bhajan, or more affectionately Yogiji.
His education encompasses both Eastern and Western disciplines; an undergraduate degree in comparative and Vedic philosophy was followed by a Masters in Economics from Punjab University, and he later gained his PhD in communications psychology from the University of Humanistic Studies in San Francisco.
His peace mission has lead him to meet and work with Pope John Paul II, the Dalai Lama and the Archbishop of Canterbury. He died in October 2004 and will always be remembered for his work as a religious, spiritual, community and business leader through his many books (from spirituality, communication, psychology and business leadership), the teachings he shared and natural food companies he founded.
I remember him every morning when I tune in and practice and am grateful every time I have a cup of YogiTea and read my daily mantra on the teabag.
“Your mind will always tell you not to obey because if you start obeying something else, you cannot obey your mind.”