Awakened Potential Registration
Congratulations! This is a momentous decision. I’d like you to take a moment and just feel the energy of making such an important commitment to yourself. It’s awesome! That feeling that you’re feeling right now is the power of giving to yourself and receiving that gift in the same moment. And you’re going to be learning so much more about this simple yet powerful dynamic of personal commitment and self-care over the next twelve months.
payment plans
You have four payment plans to enable you to manage your finances. I know that things are challenging right now, so I hope that these plans help you to ‘be in’ in a way that feels like a stretch, but is still manageable for you.
Making a single payment of £3500 is not only a powerful statement to yourself of your commitment to your own wellbeing and personal journey, it also enables you to focus on the work in hand of awakening and habit change.
This plan spreads two instalments of £1750 over three months. Once you make your first payment, the next £1750 instalment will be automatically deducted from your card on the same date three months later.
This plan spreads five instalments of £700 over five months. Once you make your first payment, the next four £700 instalments will be automatically deducted from your card on the same date of each month over the next five months.
This plan spreads two instalments of £1750 over six months. Once you make your first payment, the next £1750 instalment will be automatically deducted from your card on the same date six months later.
The energy of a stretch
When I signed up to the professional training programme with Cate Stillman to study Ayurvedic lifestyle wisdom and how to deliver amazing online training programmes, the financial stretch was massive for me! It came in the middle of the first lockdown, when we had no clients, no income and no prospect of clients or income. And it was more money than I’d every spend on a training, ever. So why did I do it?
Earlier on in lockdown, I’d signed up for a few $100 online programmes to teach yoga online, or build an online community, and had shown up at maximum one, maybe two of the sessions and then just let it fall by the wayside. Why? I wasn’t sufficiently invested in the programme. I wasn’t committed to the value of the results that I was investing in. It wasn’t a big enough stretch to ensure I really showed up, even when I was busy or simply didn’t feel like it.
When discussing my own financial stretch with Cate and her coaches, I realised that I teach transformation but in my own life, I was stuck. They found an application form I’d filled in about five years ago for the same programme and I realised, with horror, that I was still struggling with the same stuff. I realised that the cost of NOT investing in myself was far higher than the financial investment of the programme. The cost of staying stuck for another five years - or longer - was too high a price to pay in my own personal and professional life. There was no way I could not invest!
When you sign up for Awakened Potential, you are committing a significant chunk of your salary as well as a significant amount of your time and energy into yourself. And you need to know that you’re going to make this investment count. The financial commitment supports and motivates the time and energy investment. The two sides of this commitment ensure that you stay focused, on track and ‘in’.
And if we feel you sliding, because we know there will be times when it will feel hard, even impossible, for you to show up, we will be there to gently hold you to your commitment, bring you back in and do our very best to support you.
The energy of a stretch can and will feel uncomfortable, but in this journey you are going to learn to lean in and even love it, because that discomfort is the necessary energy of growth, and deep transformation.