Awakened Potential TEST

We all have a dream to be something more than we are today, whether that is on our professional path, in our relationships, in our freediving, our spiritual practice, or simply in how we feel in our bodies. 

Awakened Potential is a two-fold path to help you understand and align your daily health and self-care habits to ensure you truly thrive, and to support, inspire and guide you expanding into your full potential, however that looks for you.


As human beings we have a natural bio-rhythm, an inner wisdom which regulates all of our body-mind processes and functions. When we adhere to this natural inner wisdom we thrive, when we ignore it or don’t fully understand it, we start to develop problems. Over the course of a year, through each of the seasons, I will guide you to build a powerful dinacharya - an aligned daily routine - which will transform your health, your energy, your mental clarity and your feeling of deep wellbeing in all areas of your life.

Living out of synch with our natural rhythm can manifest in all kinds of problems. Living in synch will ALWAYS feel amazing!



  • heavy in heart, or depressed

  • tired, even exhausted

  • stressed and/or reactive, strained relationships

  • chronic pain

  • low immunity or autoimmune dysfunction

  • digestive issues (chronic or acute)

  • unfocused and unmotivated

  • easily or constantly overwhelmed 

  • tendency to self-sabotage your wellbeing

  • weight issues (too much, too little, unstable)

  • fear of the future

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  • joyful and motivated

  • wake feeling rested - every day

  • calm mind, leads to loving, conscious communication

  • light, clear energy in your body

  • great health, all year round

  • easy, symptom-free digestion, top to bottom :-)

  • clear on your next goals and direction in life

  • a sense of ease pervades all that you do

  • deep self-worth, deep nourishing self-care

  • integrated body-mind-spirit lifestyle

  • grounded and trusting in the bigger picture


This programme is about ‘re-membering’. Literally going back - to nature and the natural wisdom of our own body, mind and spirit to return to vibrant health and connected, purposeful, meaningful living. We call on techniques discovered and codified thousands of years ago by yogis and sages, technologies that we know today as ayurveda and yoga. This is a simple, clearly marked spiritual pathway for easeful modern living.

Dinacharya - rhythm of the day, or daily routine - is a super-simple system that breaks down the secrets of optimal wellbeing into ten basic habits. We will learn, automate and deeply integrate these ten habits by repeating them, together, four times over one year.

Through letting go of out-dated habits we will uncover belief systems which prevent us from living our dream lives and fulfilling our potential. As well as diving deep into dinacharya, we will also explore the fascinating, mysterious and wonderful truths of what it means to be a human being, living on this beautiful planet today.

While we fill our lives with material ‘stuff’ and chasing goals, our hearts are constantly yearning for deeper connection, deeper meaning. Each cycle we will discover the miracle of living from a balanced and integrated body-mind-spirit perspective. We will learn and become proficient with tools and techniques for greater self-awareness, authentic courage and deeper self-honesty. And we will see how nature is active and alive within us, within every breath and every cell, and learn how to access the power of the elements to expand into our full potential - and beyond.


Working through the seasons brings us into deep awareness of our connection with nature. Each season we will cycle through this two-fold journey of powerful ancient wisdom and teachings. Each cycle we will dive deeper into the wisdom within and around us, uncovering our own resistances, blockages and fears, and moving us into our absolute truths, in order to gently but powerfully expand into a far greater version of ourselves.


plant SOME seeds

Gently introduce yourself to the ten habits knowing you have time and don't have to get it perfect straight away. You can start to experiment with two or three habits that feel accessible. Learn the latest behavioural science research to shift old habits faster and develop new ones with ease.

Begin to see positive changes in your health, mood levels, emotions, and a sense of space. 

You will be inspired, challenged and motivated by ancient wisdom teachings and practical techniques to get clear on, and start visualising your future version of you. Feel deeply supported by the Awakened Potential community.



Knowing the habits allows you to play with them, delving deeper, exploring what works, getting honest about what doesn’t. New insights will begin to arise about why you face some of the challenges you face.

You begin to notice when you are in and out of integrity with your goals and can pivot quickly back into alignment. Your emotions, thoughts and wellbeing improve further and you feel your confidence and self-esteem as a real power and resource within you. Energy and ease are returning and with them a sense of joy and purpose in life.

Your vision of your destiny starts to come into focus.



As the habits get automated your sense of wellbeing, energy and ease now dramatically increase. You find you have a sense of rhythm and space in your life, and you feel calm, curious and accepting of challenges as they arise.

Your relationships are experiencing the benefit of your inner work, and those around you will be noticing huge shifts in you.

You are getting deeply connected with an inner strength, and a calm but powerful ‘knowing’ about yourself, and your direction in life is starting to guide you in all you do.


LIVE DAILY embodied wisdom

You live the ten habits as if you’ve always lived them. You feel in every aspect of your life how they support and nourish you, and realise that your deep-down experience of life has shifted from ‘survive’ to ‘thrive’. You are healthy, vibrant, resilient and rested. Life starts to feel really, really exciting once more.

Your mastery of ancient wisdom techniques means you live intuitively in each moment, you recognise your true inner strength, activate your own inner healer, and are experiencing the bliss of being aligned to your destiny, your dharma.

You have awakened and are living your full potential.

Is Awakened Potential for me?

If you want to dig deeper to find out whether Awakened Potential is for you, then our Find your Thrive! ten minute quiz is designed to focus your thinking around areas of your life that are working for you, what isn’t working, and how you’d really like to be living and feeling. Once you complete the quiz you can sign up for a one-hour, completely free Discovery Call with me, during which I will coach you towards the first steps to feeling better and finding your thrive!



The heart of our community is held within the framework of our weekly live calls. We share and uphold guidelines which create and maintain a safe space for us all to connect, share and grow together, without judgement, and grounded in deep care and listening.

Weekly AWAKENING Calls

Weekly Awakening Calls. Be guided through the process of Awakened Potential by Sara as she shares the spiritual wisdom of nature and the ocean based on her own deep-dive journey into the ocean and within, and over ten years coaching experience. Gently integrate and master the principles of aligned authentic body-mind-spirit living.

Weekly COACHING Calls

Weekly Coaching Calls. Receive weekly laser coaching to be nourished and supported to make real changes in your habits and life. Bring ANYTHING that is arising for you that you need coaching for - whether related to the programme, or not. Allow yourself to be supported by a loving, deeply listening, connected community.

All Live Calls are held on Zoom. You’ll receive login details and session times to easily add all info to your online calendar with a click. If you’re on a different time zone, have work or family commitments, or simply want to join the calls in your own pace, don’t worry - all live calls are recorded and available within 24 hours.


Resource Hub

Dive into this incredibly rich resource of wisdom to learn and gradually master the ten ayurvedic lifestyle habits to shift you into a deep experience of integrated holistic nourishment, ensuring you put down deep and strong roots, to build your nervous and immune systems, creating resilience and flexibility in order to truly thrive.

Online Videos Week by week slowly digest and assimilate these ten habits, at your own pace. Over time you integrate more and more of the wisdom they contain and feel the habits supporting and nourishing you.

E-Library The online library consists of e-books, worksheets, recipes, and information sheets which you can download and print to support your self inquiry, set intentions, track your progress and create awesome, vibrant, delicious meals for deep nourishment.


One TO One Coaching

Each Awakened Potential member will have a one to one coaching gym with me every month.

These sessions allow us to connect on a personal level and dive deeper into any areas where you need more support to keep moving towards your goals, step by step.

These sessions ensure that rather than staying stuck, you fast track your evolution with a focused conversation, reigniting your motivation and commitment to your vision of your future you.


Evolutionary Community

Become part of a dynamic caring community where you will evolve faster and have way more fun doing so with like-minded people. We are connected by our passion for growing into the best possible version of ourselves. Over the course of a year deep friendships will be forged in mutual support, compassion and shared challenges and celebration of real growth.

Research shows that when we connect and dive deep with like-minded people, we have an 80% better chance of building sustained new thrive habits, than through one to one therapy or coaching work!

member Bonuses

By being a member of the Awakened Potential community you also get access to a raft of bonuses to help you with sustained growth, awareness and development. Also I don’t only want you to thrive, I want to enable you to invite your friends, family members and colleagues to join you on the journey of a lifetime with special offers and discounts to that we can all awaken our deepest potential.



We kick off our very first cycle on 31st August. If you sign up now, you will get a FREE 30-minute one to one coaching session with me EVERY WEEK until we officially start. These free sessions will help you to get organised and clear on your goals (your ‘what’) and tap into your wellspring of motivation and commitment (your ‘whys’), which will drastically improve your chances of staying focused and on track as you unfold through this incredible journey. Basically, the sooner you get in, the sooner we can get on with your thrive and prepare you for this amazing journey.

From the moment you join you get access to the Resource Hub, where you will find your free e-book on the ten habits, your recipe book as well as worksheets and tipsheets, and of course the incredible library of videos for you to start watching to design your year’s journey and your future vision of you!

Members of Awakened Potential will have exclusive early-bird access to our events (live and online), including discounts, and even complimentary access.

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We know that it is easier to thrive when you are working on building new habits within a community of like-minded, passionate people on the same path. Imagine if your family or best friend came on board, could join you in your quest for more vibrant health, greater clarity of mind, deeper, more connected conversations, and high-energy that comes from being deeply rested and nourished rather than wired and strung-out from too much coffee? Can you imagine how much fun you’d have, how your lives could transform in so many ways? What a gift to you all!

I am delighted to offer you discounts and free places to your friends and family members to some of our events, and kick-backs to you for anyone you bring to Awakened Potential.

This programme isn’t for everyone - they need to feel as passionate and committed as you do - and so we will go through the same journey of Discovery Calls and free coaching to ensure they are a match before they join.

Evolution is so much more fun AND more effective for everyone when we share the journey with the people we care for in our lives.


If you are reading this, it is because I have personally invited you to join this very first cycle of Awakened Potential, as a valued member of the DYD Inner Circle. For this cycle, and this cycle only, I am offering a HUGE discount on your annual membership.

This is an incredible opportunity to make a real investment of time, energy, awareness and LOVE in yourself, to experience the power of deep, sustained energetic, emotional, physical and spiritual transformation. It is extremely hard to put a value on looking, feeling and living your absolute best - it is maybe easier to consider the cost to your quality of life of NOT evolving your beliefs, identity and habits.

As members of the Inner Circle I also invite you to co-create and collaborate with me on the development of materials that will support you in your on-going growth into your potential. I trust your integrity and honesty to give me meaningful feedback which will help us all to get the most from this journey, and develop a programme which will help many more people to thrive as we all become living examples of how Awakened Potential can look when manifested in our daily lives.


I am offering two payment plans:
DIVE IN! - pay the full amount up front and enjoy the full £1000 discount that I am offering on this first journey around the sun!
TAKE IT EASY! - need to spread your payments? You can pay three instalments of £1000 each, giving you a £500 discount on the full price!

MY VISION for Awakened potential

You know me already - yoga and meditation teacher, freediver and founder of Discover Your Depths. What you might not know is how passionate I am about growth - my own and that of everyone I work with.

I know that investing £2500 in yourself, not to mention a full year’s commitment to the programme, may well feel like a stretch for you. I know this because I am on the same similar path. I know that a full year of coaching, learning, digging deep, getting dirty but coming up with clarity and better habits to support me going forwards is not always easy. But it is so, so worth it! And to be supported by a like-minded, equally committed and passionate group is priceless.

I want you to feel the excitement of recognising your potential bubbling just below the surface. You know deep down how you could and should feel if you stopped the self-sabotage and negative thought loops, and got your nutrition, exercise, health and mental wellbeing back on track. This is where my own journey started 20 years ago - depleted and debilitated by ulcerative colitis I knew instinctively that the medical path the doctors were showing me made no sense at all, and that the solution to my problems lay within me already. I just had to have the courage to start digging - and find the right people to guide me on that journey.

I had awesome guides, just as I intend to be an awesome guide for you on this journey. Whatever is showing up for you, I am totally committed to helping you, and the entire group, grow beyond your perceived limitations, and really start to show up and shine in your own life - for you, your loved ones and your future potential. You have a unique gift, and as long as you remain confused, exhausted, sick, or stuck the world is being robbed of these talents and gifts. Right now, more than ever, we need as many people as possible to be living their vibrant, conscious, connected, purposeful and meaningful BEST in all areas of their lives.

By lifting up each of you individually, I ensure the whole group rises - and then our combined potential expands exponentially. It just starts with making some consistent, conscious changes in our daily habits, rooted in self-worth and a deeper sense or our potential and purpose in life.

Let’s do this together! I can’t wait to witness, support and give my all to helping us all awaken our potential and start making a bigger impact on this world!

Sara is a teacher who lights up the room when she teaches. She has a special energy and a very loving way to motivate students and help them to develop and be the best they can.

Jørn Nørtoft | Founder of KBH Yoga, Denmark