About Amrit Nam Sarovar
Karta Singh founded the Amrit Nam Sarovar School to provide international teacher training and a way of allowing people to experience their own potential. The school has trained over 1000 Level 1 Kundalini Yoga Instructors over the last 20 years, and the Level 2 training course has been running for almost as long.
Specific aspects of the way the school works are:
- ANS is a network of centres in Europe and beyond, providing you with the possibility to experience Yogi Bhajan’s concept that ‘there are no boundaries’.
- The training allows you to experience, and gain a deep understanding of what trust is within a group dynamic. On the locally-based training modules this is a small group dynamic. However, the final residential week in France provides the experience on a far larger scale - this year there were over 300 present.
- ANS is a school of inclusion where everyone is welcome, and can excel according to their special gift. The guiding principle is to match tasks and talents - to create unity instead of uniformity, oneness but not sameness.
Amrit Nam Sarovar’s motto is To Teach, To Learn, To Serve. We see the Kundalini Awakening course as the starting point where you are able to become a true student through teaching others.
The headquarters and heart of the school is the estate of Domaine Le Martinet, situated in the French Alps. Built around the school’s founder Karta Singh, the local community runs an self-sustaining organic farm and applies the yogic way of life and the Aquarian teachings to everyday life.

“We are entering the Age of Aquarius. It will be a new time. The entire psyche is changing. You must purify the mind, body and soul to be real, innocent and sattvic. This age you will serve is an age of awareness, an age of experience.”
About Your Trainers
Your ANS Kundalini Awakening Yoga Teacher Training and the three Egypt modules will be organised and hosted by Seva Simran Kaur of Discover Your Depths.
The training in Egypt will be lead by Har Nal Kaur, assisted by Seva Simran Kaur. We invite other KRI teachers to join us and support the trainings.
The founder of ANS, Karta Singh, will lead the teaching during the final week in France, assisted by a multitude of other ANS instructors. Seva Simran Kaur will also accompany and oversee your training during this week.
Karta Singh
Karta Singh is the Founding Director of ANS. Born in Morocco in 1950, his family was uprooted as a result of political unrest, and at the age of 10, he moved back to France.
It was in the mid-seventies when Yoga Bhajan first crossed Karta’s path. Immediately, he recognised him as the teacher he had been looking for; not a mere man of intellect and applied philosophy, but a true spiritual master.
Karta followed Yogi Bhajan in his vision to build a global community, with spirit being the founding principle and common bond between all mankind. This would only work if people changed their level of consciousness.
Karta made it his mission to help people transform and realise their full human potential. He was the first to establish Kundalini teacher training. As a pioneer, he created programs in France, Belgium, England, Russia, Austria, and Switzerland. It was through this teacher training that Karta was able to reach out to as many people as possible.
In 2011 the Kundalini Research Institute (KRI) honoured Karta Singh with the Outstanding Service Award for his contribution to the legacy of the Teachings of Yogi Bhajan.
On his land in the French Alps he started building a space that could serve as a foundation for living the teachings. He considers Le Martinet as a sign post that welcomes people looking for a spiritual home. People living for each other beyond borders, beliefs and religions. It is a journey to becoming fully human.
You can read Karta Singh's full biography here.
Har Nal Kaur
Har Nal Kaur is a Kundalini Yoga Teacher and Kundalini Yoga Teacher Trainer with ANS. She is based at the Ashram of Amrit Nam Sarovar at Le Martinet in the French Alps, where she also manages the administration of the Ashram and School.
She travels widely to teach, train and give workshops, and leads Amrit Nam’s Kundalini Awakening Yoga Teacher Training programme in Southall, London.
Her regular workshops include: the Eveil de Soi retreat at Le Martinet - hosted with Karta Singh; and Divine Women workshops in various locations.
She is also a spiritual healer and practices Amanae (emotional release bodywork) and Reflexology.
Har Nal is devoted to spreading Yogi Bhajan’s teachings and especially dedicated to uplifting and empowering the individual.
You can find Har Nal Kaur's full biography here.
Seva Simran Kaur / SARA CAMPBELL
Seva Simran Kaur has been teaching and living the teachings of Kundalini Yoga for over thirteen years.
Having qualified in the UK she very soon realised that her path lay elsewhere and relocated to her chosen home of Dahab, on the Sinai peninsula. The teachings have supported her, not only in her personal life, health and wellbeing, but have transformed her professional path also; from stressed, chronically ill PR consultant, to four-times World Record holding freediver.
Her own transformation demonstrates the immense power, clarity and peace that can be gained from a committed yoga and meditation practice. She now combines her yoga teaching with freediving coaching and life transformation coaching to students around the world.
If you are interested in more information about Seva Simran's life and transformation, you can read that here.