
Day 3 boat trip 1.jpg
Day 3 boat trip 1.jpg



Please select this option if you are ready to make a full and complete payment of £850 payment for the Masterclass. This option gives you a £100 discount on the full price, thanking you for your commitment and early booking. This is your first step towards experiencing freediving in a whole different way!

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The integrated, supportive approach of our Masterclass goes beyond other coaching and training programmes, giving students a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in our pioneering Yoga for Freediving concept, focusing on relaxationmental training and freediving as a tool for greater personal and spiritual awareness under personalised guidance, coaching and support before, during and after, from one of the world's leading freediving and spiritual coaches. 

For just £850 you receive not only a ten-day tailormade yoga and freediving programme, but will also be accompanied one month before and one month after the journey with a workshop and one to one coaching with Sara. There is no freediving training like this anywhere else in the world. Sara's approach is unique, focusing on each individual and ensuring that every student receives personal guidance and support, no matter what their level, background, goal or needs. 

We look forward to welcoming you to this very exclusive yet friendly family of freedivers doing it differently! Thank you for your interest and trust.