If you haven't tried Kundalini Yoga yet, give it a go. It's not about flexibility, it's not about being skinny, it's not about being super-strong or how many sun salutations your can do. It's about inner strength. It's about being the best you can be. It's about confronting - and then letting go of - your past so you can live in freedom and authenticity. It's about challenging yourself, never giving up so you can experience first hand just how deep your reserves are.
Read MoreKundalini Yoga Level 1 Teacher Training in Egypt
Discover Your Depths is utterly humbled to announce that Amrit Nam Sarovar school is launching the first ever Kundalini Yoga Level 1 Teacher Training programme in Egypt. Dates: 11-14 Dec, 26 Feb-1 Mar, 23-26 Apr Egypt and 4-12 Jul France. Price: €2080 international guests, €1960 Egyptian residents. Discounts available
Read MoreEurope: a meeting of hearts and minds
I'm back in Europe for a whirlwind tour, initiated primarily by my level 2 yoga teacher training programme which takes place next week in France. But since I am here, I thought I should make the most of the trip. So… catching up with a few people to connect on matters of the ocean, life and the heart.
Read MoreVitality vs stress - a meditation to alleviate stress
Practice this easy meditation to help you alleviate stress
Read MoreYoga and freediving….
Join us from 10th May for a magical week of daily yoga and freediving practice, combining training with fun-dives, exploring the reefs around Dahab, and the desert too!
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