Online Practice

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During the Covid lockdown, we are home retreating and are honoured to continue to support you with home practice via Zoom. Please join us for any of our donation-based or paid-for classes and workshops.

DONATION-BASED live sessions

Tuesdays 8:00-9:00 Pranayama Practice with Sara
Wednesdays 18:00-19:00 Buddhist Meditation with Jeanphi (in French)
Thursdays 18:00-19:00 Kundalini Meditation with Sara

See below for more information about the pranayama and meditation practices. To join any of the donation-based live sessions, please simply click here five minutes before the scheduled class time:

If you are unfamiliar with Zoom here are some guidelines:

  • if you will be joining from your computer or laptop, simply click the link and you will be guided to our private practice space

  • if you wish to join via a mobile device (smart phone or tablet), please download the app first, and then click on the link above

Please ensure that you set up a quiet, undisturbed space to practice, with a yoga mat and cushion, or are seated in a comfortable chair, sitting with a straight spine. We recommend that you don’t eat for at least two hours before any practice, and to bring some water or herbal tea with you.

Please note that your microphone will be muted during practice to minimise distractions. If you wish to share, there will be time at the end and your line will be unmuted then.

We are offering these sessions on a donation-basis, as like many people working in tourist and hospitality, our income dropped to zero over night with the travel ban. We invite you to pay according to your means or whatever you feel is right for you. As a guideline, we’d be super happy with:

  • the equivalent of a cup of coffee if you’re not earning right now (£1.50-£3.00)

  • the equivalent of a light lunch if you’re earning but not not exactly rolling in wealth (£5.00-£7.50)

  • the equivalent of a normal yoga class (say around £10) if you’re flush and can afford it (£10.00-£15.00)

All sessions will be recorded for access at any time, for daily guided practice, or if you miss the live session, We will stop the recording before the sharing circle to ensure confidentiality among those who join us live. To access the recordings, please click here:

About SARA’s Pranayama Practice

Sara’s Tuesday Pranayama Practice is open for everyone and is a general session of classical pranayama following the tradition of O P Tiwari. The session is an opportunity for guided practice, rather than teaching. Working with our breath we can shift our mental state from anxiety to deep calm and stillness. It is through our breath that we gain direct access to the deep well-spring of inner peace and resilience which resides within each of us.

about Jeanphi’s Meditation practice

Jeanphi’s Wednesday Meditation Practice is based on his 20-plus years of formal study, practice and teaching. Students are guided into a practice using awareness of breath and body sensations to go beyond the mind into a space of deeper consciousness and presence. These free live sessions are suitable for anyone interested in finding stillness at the end of their day, and either starting, or deepening a journey into the vast Buddhist teachings aimed to alleviate all human suffering and enable us to find happiness in each moment.

About Sara’s Meditation practice

Sara’s Thursday Meditation Practice is open for everyone and each practice will be different, meaning no experience is necessary. In these live sessions we will be focusing on practices that specifically help us to navigate our thoughts and emotions during these challenging times. Sara will offer her reflections and share some guidance to uplift and inspire you week to week, followed by a 22-minute meditation practice (mainly) from the tradition of Kundalini Yoga. Everyone is invited to stay after practice to share and connect with the global DYD Community afterwards.

personal coaching

personal coaching

If you would like personal coaching for a deeper pranayama or meditation practice, or for spiritual, mental and emotional support during these times, you can also sign up for private coaching with Sara. Your Distance Coaching programme consists of three one to one sessions (first session around 90-120 minutes; second and third sessions around 60 minutes each) personalised to your needs, starting with completion of an in-depth Consultation Form in order for Sara to get to know and understand your challenges, needs and objectives. These programmes have helped hundreds of people to transition through challenging times, or create deep long-lasting transformation in their lives.

During Covid we are happy to offer you a £100 discount, giving you your first session FREE!

Meditation coaching with Jeanphi

If you are serious about exploring or deepening a meditation practice in the Buddhist traditions, Jeanphi is offering one to one practice courses for beginners and intermediate students and practitioners. Each course consists of five private sessions, guiding you through the subtle aspects of these ancient teachings and practices. Each week you will take your practice deeper, learning new techniques to help you still and focus your mind, and release tensions. You are encouraged to practice daily between sessions to ground the techniques in personal experience in order to gain the most from your coaching.

During Covid we are happy to offer you a £100 discount from your five-session programme!

Online workshops


If you feel you need more guidance we will be announcing a new ten-week online Breath of Life group course to guide you through the techniques of correct breath, breath control and breath hold to allow you to practice alone, or with more confidence, in our Tuesday sessions.

Further information about our online workshops will be available soon. If you wish to receive notification, please sign up to our newsletter here.

Sara is a yoga teacher who lights up the room when she teaches. She has a special energy and a very loving way to motivate students and help them to develop and be the best they can.

Jørn Nørtoft | Founder of KBH Yoga, Denmark