Yoga Teacher Training is a big step. And at the same time it isn't. Joining a TT programme can feel like a huge leap in the dark, or it can feel like the only logical next step on your journey. Either way, it opens the door to a whole new future and expands your horizon in ways that you probably can't envisage when you sign up.
Try wearing a turban - it feels amazing!
Many people join a teacher training programme because they feel a strong urge to immerse themselves deeper into their practice, and this is truly one of the best ways to do this, whether you intend to teach or not. Others are career focused, searching for a new direction, or wanting to add another string to their healing/teaching/mindfulness bow. There are as many reasons for coming to this path as there are people. It can be deeply healing after a broken relationship, or illness, when you are looking for more meaning in your life. For me it was to continue my healing journey from ulcerative colitis, which remains an on-going journey for me even today.
The Kundalini Awakening Yoga Teacher Training here in Sinai, is based on the teachings of our Master, Yogi Bhajan. In four modules you will study the fundamentals of yoga practice, philosophy, and how to teach.
Most importantly you will explore your own relationship to you, and to your Higher Power.
We live an authentic yogic lifestyle with vegetarian and vegan food, integrating Ayurvedic lifestyle practices for optimal health and vibrant living. We bathe in the ocean and walk barefoot in the desert. We deeply reconnect with Nature, Oneness and the Self. One thing is for certain, by the end of it you will have experienced profound change and awareness.
Join us this year as we recommence this magical journey in November in Nuweiba, Sinai. Full details are on our website and we are very happy to discuss the training and answer any questions that you might have - you can email us directly here. We look forward to welcoming you on this magical journey back to the Self, back to your natural state of peace, bliss and relaxation, and into a whole new life that is awaiting your arrival.
Sat nam, and blessings for your path, whichever one you choose to walk.
Our yoga space on the beach - beautiful Mother Nature supporting our journey in every way
If you need further inspiration, here is an article I wrote for MindBodyGreen two years ago.